Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Amazing Race : Bookie Edition

I am very excited about joining Worst.Roadtrip.Ever! Making it back east, everything was a disaster...ofcourseitwas.

I decided to use airlines miles to book this flight on US Airways, which means I had to have a layover rather than a direct flight to Philly. I HATE taking flights where you have to stop and get on another plane, this is trip proved it once again!

I was booked to take the 9pm flight from LAX to Vegas. Yay Vegas airport=slot machines! I can play when I get there! Umno. So here's the thing...due to the horrible winds in LA, my flight which was supposed to leave at 9pm, ended up leaving LAX at around 9:40pm. So of course my first thought was how I was going to end up having no time between the time I landed in Vegas and my flight to Philly, leaving at 10:47pm. They announced the flight would only be 50 minutes and everyone should make their connecting flights since Vegas knew LAX was having delays. Oh good, I was feeling better now.

We touched down in Vegas around 9:25 and I was ready to go right to the gate where my flight to Philly was. We taxied to the terminal for like 100 years and then once we got there, they announced there was a problem with the jetway, so please sit tight. Sit tight?! Hi, I have a flight to catch leaving now in 10 minutes. But wait, they said everything should be ok with connecting flights. They FINALLY got the jetway to the plane and I got off the plane. Turns out we were at terminal B and my Philly flight was in terminal A. Ofcourseitwas. So I literally sprinted to the gate, which was like a thousand miles away on the other side of the airport.

I got to the gate at 10:50pm. They said....sorry, we closed the door to the plane 5 minutes ago. WHAT?! Are you SERIOUS right now?! There were 2 other people yelling too from another flight which got in late. So the gate attendant told us we could try the other US Airways flight (operated by America West) to Philly which was about to close and said they would call over to let them know.

So I sprinted over there and as soon as I got over, one of the gate attendants said to another that the other US Airways flight was sending 3 others to that flight. When the other attendant said "NO, WE HAVE TO CLOSE NOW." So I yelled "NO!! We're here!!" So I got on the plane all sweaty (HOT!) and sat down and said to the woman next to me "this is going to Philly, right?!" She laughed. Everything was ok now! Oh wait, my bag I checked! What's going to happen to it?! So now I was all worried about my bag...ofcourseIwas.

I was sweaty and a complete wreck after taking off still, so I order some wine to calm down, which helped. The flight attendant told me my bag may be on this flight or if not, then the next flight in the morning if it missed both of the ones which left already. Since I all worried about my bag, I couldn't sleep on the plane, which I usually have no problem doing. Plus, it was like 100 degrees on the plane and I ended up having to ride "bitch" on the flight.

I finally got to Philly about 10 minutes later than the original flight I was supposed to be on. Both flight baggage claims were next to each other and I had no idea where my bag would be or if it would be there. Finally my mom said, "Isn't that your bag?" ... Well, turns out my bag made it on my original flight but I didn't. far living up to it's name and I haven't even seen Jeff and Keith yet! hah But now I'm in NJ and awaiting their arrival for dinner tonight at my parents'. It's going to be supercrazy!

1 comment:

Jonathan said...


That's a shame for you.